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Plinths & Pylons

We manufacture and install outdoor pylon and plinth signs for your business needs in Auckland

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Free standing pylon and plinth signs set up outside your business makes a statement, maximizing both foot and car traffic in your neighbourhood. A well-made pylon or plinth can also help with parking and directions and turn your business into a landmark.


Excellent for shopping centres and office blocks, tertiary institutions and businesses set back from the road, Onform Signs will create customized pylon or plinth signage that works for you.


We are also the experts in Gabion Rock Wall Signs, Post & Batten Fencing, Landscaping around your sign.


To really set the tone of your business, a free standing sign out the front of your business really gives you maximum impact signage. How it's built tells a lot about your company & brand.

Pylon signs are a great way to gain maximum road frontage exposure. Make your business or institution easy to find & communicate your products & services to passing traffic.


The supporting structure will be manufactured out or treated steel or aluminium & can be mounted on reinforced concrete footings. The sign may be subject to an engineer's specification & planning approved from the Council. We are here to help & can advise through any statutory requirements.

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